Some friends told me they had difficulties posting comments, or signing up as a Follower on my blog. I appreciate all your support and encouragement, and want this site to be a place where you can find relief, not additional frustration. Here are some instructions to streamline the process as much as possible.
For the easiest way to post a comment , click comment(s), then select anonymous from the select profile drop-down menu. You can still sign your name the old fashioned way – at the end of the message.
Being a Follower just means you are interested in what I write, and want to return to read more. To become a Follower, simply click the follow button, click create a google account, then write your e-mail address, a password, and your birthday. Remember to click the Follow this blog button at the bottom.
Step-by-step Instructions:
The easiest way to post a comment:
- Click the word comment(s) at the end of the blog article
- Click on the select profile drop-down menu
- Select either anonymous or Google account if you have one.
- Write your comment in the comment box. (If you posted as anonymous, write your name at the end if you wish)
- Click post comment
The easiest way to become a Follower:
Once again, thank you for your input and support. It means the world to me.